I did a bad, bad thing

When the National Mall fireworks ended, we marched with hordes of people down dark and unfamiliar streets, past waterfront restaurants that smelled like fishing piers and across a street that required walking down a flight of stairs and up a flight of stairs. At the end of the walking maze, we entered a Metro Station […]

Random New York mumblings

The main purpose of our trip to New York was Starving Artist’s Senior Art exhibit. I was the proudest parent in the room and I avoided sobbing and wailing, “Mah bay-bay is all growed up.” I did get teary a few times as I quietly observed the independent and self confident woman that she has […]

New York in May

I didn’t get as many pictures as I would like because it was pouring rain most of our visit. We have memories instead of photographs.

New York randomness

New York could have saved itself a lot of money by not installing crossing lights. No New Yorker heeds those lights. They cross by some kind of intuition. I assimilated and crossed without hesitation when there was no traffic, but I was less confident when there were moving cars. My solution was to follow the […]

Falling Apart

I have a trick knee. Sometimes, without warning, it just stops doing what I want it to do, as though a loose wire inside has disconnected the power. As quickly as it stops working, it starts back up again. Most of the time, the power returns in time to correct and instead of a fall, […]

A day alone in New York

I sat on a bench in the park. The cool breeze gently fanned the sweet smell of peanuts roasting nearby. To my right, a woman who looked too frail to stand tenderly stroked peaceful chords from a large, gold harp. My left side was being serenaded by A Capella street performers whose deep voices were […]

random New York notes

1. Everyone wears black. Do they have closets full of black clothing or are they wearing the same outfit repeatedly? 2. Hunter rain boots are everywhere. 3. I didn’t see a single picturesque clothesline connecting buildings. The movies lied to me. 4. We were treated with kindness by absolutely every person we met. In fact, […]