Diagnosis: Sleepy

Yesterday, my right shoulder started hurting. Today, my shoulder hurts, my neck hurts and my right hand is noticeably colder than my left hand. I’m going to take this as a sign that I should take to the bed and nap with the furry children. Therapy napping is a thing, isn’t it?


Day one: “I think I will grow out my bangs.” Day five: “My hair feels like it is attacking my eyes, but it will look great in a few days.” Day ten: “It looks like I have Tribbles on my head. I need a hair appointment.” Day fifteen: “Where are my scissors? I’m cutting my […]

more than a calendar

I frequently get ribbed about the Achilles heel in my love of tech. I am not ashamed to admit that I still use a paper agenda. Every year when it gets close to new agenda time, I try out a few online planners. Every year, I retreat back to the comfort of my paper planner. […]

my life is booby trapped

The very best time to realize that the children used all the conditioner and refilled the empty bottle with water is when you are still blinking from rinsing shampoo out of your eye. Then, you get to listen to the very limited hot water pointlessly pouring down the shower drain while sit on the bathroom […]