I’m still waiting for my chocolate from Doug.
Yesterday was a blur. Troop meeting with only one parent not turning in their cookie money. Even after I said “please give me what you have” I still don’t have their money. This is a major problem because the checks take 11 days to clear in our account before I can get a cashier’s check for the council to pay our share of the cookies. This same parent also took a box of cookies from our booth and we only realized it when we doing an inventory after the booth. His response was that it was to replace a damaged box he’d gotten earlier. Unless he gives back the damaged box I’m going to have to pay for the second box he took myself and that doesn’t make me very happy.
After the meeting there was a quick trip to the bank followed by a brief (but very drooly) nap before two frenzied cookie booths that pretty much used up our cookie inventory. Ran to the grandparents for the Saturday evening children swap and despite my best intentions we ended up bringing home several boxes of junk from my parents “cleaning out the garage” project. The scary part is that they still have a lot of cleaning still needing to be done in their garage. Got into a power struggle with Tommy because he has been stealing quarters from my change jar downstairs and chose to lie when caught.
Came home and started the process of balancing the cookie balances but got too tired to continue. Collapsed in bed and slept deeply.
I’d like to do nothing today but the day is going to be spent cleaning and doing laundry and grocery shopping in preparations for Doug leaving town early in the morning. Hopefully we’ll both have some chocolate this afternoon.