Well, I had clean clothes to put on this morning. I dropped 900 Project Linus flyers off at Sarah’s school. We made it to the zoo crew meeting on time. Lunch was very tasty. We got a very good idea of where the project stands at this point. Afterward, Doug and I raided the free literature at the Visitor Information Center and picked up a pile of class schedules from the Ice Arena. I chatted with the very nice secretary at Tommy’s school. I get to spend LOTS of quality time with Tommy for the rest of the week. I sent out a LOT of e-mails about the zoo this afternoon. I have learned that Amy will only wear her favorite diaper. Now I’m going to make my hands really clean with soapy water in the kitchen sink. Much later tonight I’ll get to lie in the bed for a while. Was that a positive spin on my day?

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