Wednesday Poll

This poll has nothing to do with politics. I know that’s tremendously disappointing, since everyone is feeling so nonchalant about politics right now, but this poll is about a tree. Ignore the dog staring at me like I’m insane for taking a picture of a tree instead of her. Focus instead on the extremely large […]

National Night Out 2008

I called my mother to ask her if she was participating in her neighborhood’s Night Out activities. She replied that she had gotten a few notes in her mailbox about it, but thought it seemed like an invitation for burglaries if everyone in the neighborhood was off having a party somewhere. Then she changed her […]

primitive communication

To try and convince me that Tommy really is going away to college, yesterday we attended Freshman Orientation and registered Tommy for classes. The teenagers went one direction and the parents went another. I don’t know what Tommy’s orientation was like, but the parents basically go from one Q&A session to another. Someone from every […]