answering a different question

Supertween: “Are you lonely when everyone is at school?” The answer I didn’t give: I have been so busy since school started back that it feels like a blur between the time you leave for school and the time that you return. The answer I did give: “I miss you whenever you are away.”

10:53 again?

I went in the bathroom for a quick bath and glanced at the clock. 10:53? How did I lose 3 hours already? Wait. The clock isn’t moving. The battery must have died last night at 10:53. Phew. I carried a sticky 4-year-old to the bathroom sink to remove several layers of PB&J. As he played […]

you lost me at the cultural entitlement rant

Yesterday, someone recommended an article in the Bearden Shopper-News to me. It was described as an intelligently thought out explanation based on existing research. So, I read the front page article, “Thinking outside the AJ.” The article was accurately described as intelligent UNTIL the author decided to complain that high school “has BECOME a cultural […]

spring forward, fall back

I have no rant about my dislike for the clock shifting. I have consistently complained about it twice a year on this blog. This year, I calmly suggested that we change the clocks before bed and just accept it in the morning. Doug zipped through the house changing clocks while I closed the windows and […]

what we have here is a failure to communicate

Doug: “Why are you so stressed?” Me: “I have a million things to get done and most of them feel like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.” Doug: “Why don’t you narrow the list down a bit.” Me: “Well, there are three things that absolutely, positively must get done in the next two days.” […]