First day of school

first day festival

Originally uploaded by cathymccaughan.

Today has been hectic. I have just enough time to empty the camera and jot a little note before I have to go back out again. The first day festival planners must have read my mind, because we did much better at collecting pencils for school this year. The cookie in the picture is an illusion. I don’t know what cookie you’re talking about. We didn’t get a cookie. Go outside and play with the whistles.

3 thoughts on “First day of school

  1. “The First Day Festival is a celebration of education in Knox County. This event will underscore the importance of parental involvement in the school life of children and offer an exciting kickoff for the new school year,” said Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale. “Studies have shown that schoolchildren with involved parents tend to be more successful throughout life than those without.”

    Basically lots of exhibitors show up to distribute pencils, and gizmos with their logo on it giving them an opportunity to solitic to the parents. Much of these are non-profit and educating parents about services available to them like the library’s Imagination Library which is a program that sends a free book each month to children under the age of five. (every parent should be participating!) There are for profits like Comcast trying to get subscribers. There are jumping balloons, music, overpriced food, and handshakes with the mayor.

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