I agreed to help pass out snacks at VBS again this year. I helped the past two years, even when I was a week overdue with Amy. “When are you due?” “Last week.” “Ohhhh(said as they retreat quickly).” Anyway, I got an ‘application’ to be a VBS volunteer in the mail. I would have no problem with a copy of my license and signing off on permission for them to run a criminal background check. BUT, they also want personal references, my education, training and experience working with children, employment history, residence history and a statement about my personal salvation experience. I graduated from a private college-prep school and have two college degrees. I have experience doing social work and advocacy in the mental health field. Although out of practice, I am competent in ASL. I have taught ASL to children in VBS and been in in charge of the crafts for 200+ VBSers. I taught Sunday School for two years. I run a support group and have good HTML skills. I am a Girl Scout leader and an amateur photographer. I have four children. Do you think I’m qualified to hand out cookies?

One thought on “108585176225068753

  1. nope
    but you can be the nice lady who wraps them up
    handing them out requires 14 years of experience of handing them out, gained of course by handing them out, and you must also be able to lead the cookies in a personal prayer of salvation

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