tired, frustrated, tense, disappointed, restless, unmotivated, unworthy, unattractive, overscheduled, underfunded, useless, pointless, hopeless, gloomy, melancholy
tired, frustrated, tense, disappointed, restless, unmotivated, unworthy, unattractive, overscheduled, underfunded, useless, pointless, hopeless, gloomy, melancholy
Important to others, willing to give for a cause, funny, kind, mother, giver, keeper of home, beautiful, needed. So smile there is always a bright side. Not to belittle your feelings, they are valid but not always accurate.
There is no funk that can’t be reversed by my children’s sweet smiles or big bear hugs.
well done angela – tha balance is important
we all have bouts of depression, annoyance, feelings of insignificance and impotence, but these can be balanced by having a child smile with unconditional love at you.
go hug your kids again!