More stories next weekend. Noah has a book report due next week and he wants to do it on “Ender’s Game”. Since his teacher already complains that he has no AR points because he doesn’t read anything near a third grade level (which is all that she has on the class computer), I strongly suspect she’d be very annoyed at his book choice. I think I should ‘encourage’ a different book choice.

9 thoughts on “109805315403965492

  1. AR points affect his reading grade. Could be worse. The middle school band students’ grades are affected by their participation in the band fundraiser. That is WRONG!

  2. awesome news on the reading
    keep extending him with books like these – the whole ender series is awesome.
    maybe next you could get him onto some of robert jordans stuff or raymond feist
    even robert ludlum – i know at that age (13-14) i read all of desmond bagleys books, len deighton, clive cussler, and alistair mcleans books. also haggard and robert louis stevenson and ballantyne were some of the classics i got into along with hardy boys, arthur ransome books etc.
    just keep his mind pumping and dont give him a chance to fall back into negative antisocial habits!

  3. Ender’s Game is a great book – we read one copy here completely to pieces and our second copy is starting to look a little hard done by. Ignore what the teacher thinks of the book – you want him to like reading and want to read – so if he is willing to read a book longer than 200 pages I say let the boy read what he wants lol. -(well no porno lol)

  4. Enders Game is a fantastic book. I run a used bookstore, and I wish I could get my hands on 20 copies of the book. I’d be suggesting it to customers left and right. Rarely have I read a book that caught my interest so quickly, kept my interest so thoroughly, and left me so satisfied in the end. Excellent.

    Good kid. Maybe I should get my son to read it next. He’s in 4th.

  5. He’s reading Ender’s Game and he’s only in third grade? I’d say you’ve got one clever kid there. In the grand scheme of things how important are AR point anyway?

  6. I think the teacher is impressed with his reading level and has not complained about his lack of AR points. We need a teacher conference to see if we can get him tested at a higher level.

  7. Ummm….I don’t see the problem with Ender’s Game.

    Actually, I was thinking it’s right at or a bit advanced for someone on a third-grade reading level. It was the Hugo and Nebula awards and it’s a book that is great for kids, but also works for adults as well.

    If his teacher can’t see that, have her call me and I’ll splain it to her…

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