Twice a year Dollywood has Deaf Awareness Days during which all the rides, performances and restaurants have interpreters available. Instead of real interpreters (that would cost money), they use college students who are learning ASL. I worked 4 Deaf Awareness Days and had several different assignments in the park. The worst assignment is the glass blower. Your back is to him but you see enough peripherally to feel like a hot metal bar is going to swing by your head at any moment. When the glass blower realized I was flinching frequently, he actually started waving the bar toward me in a lunging motion to make me duck. Then he started talking about and to the interpreter (me) which made the assignment really complicated. Still, that wasn’t my worst moment at Dollywood. The worst moment was when I worked in a restaurant and had to point a big, tough looking man toward the salad bar. He grinned from ear to ear and asked me if they really keep the marijuana on the salad bar. I was embarrassed and apologetic for signing ‘straw’ so sloppy but he just walked away giggling.

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