Noah is home sick. I think he has strep and my Mother thinks he has a sinus infection but it doesn’t matter either way because the pede refuses to see him. “Wait 48 hours and see if it goes away.”
Noah is home sick. I think he has strep and my Mother thinks he has a sinus infection but it doesn’t matter either way because the pede refuses to see him. “Wait 48 hours and see if it goes away.”
If your pede refuses to see a sick child, it’s time for you to refuse to see your pede and find another one.
It’s time to get a new pede and I would consider filing a complaint with the State of Tennessee.
We see the very large group that has 4 offices in Knoxville. I would love a recommendation for a group that doesn’t “screen” the patients to decide if they will see them. I have 4 and a half children, I know when they need to be seen.
Who is your pediatrician? We really like ours. How is Noah feeling now?
Wow, 48 hours. That’s a bit much, I think. I’d wait 24 and call back. If they won’t see you, then do as Barry suggests.