molly spilled grape soda on my keyboard and now i need a new one but my personal tech support guy is camping until sunday. do i try replacing it on my own or wait – imagine a question mark here
molly spilled grape soda on my keyboard and now i need a new one but my personal tech support guy is camping until sunday. do i try replacing it on my own or wait – imagine a question mark here
I have an extra one you can have!! I”ll bring it by this weekend!!
Get one on your own.
Wal-Mart is your friend….
Wash it …
No kiddin. I spilled coffee with creamer in mine. It’s a really nice Logitech Elite and I was heartbroken … and broke. I figured what the heck … can’t do any more harm, right?
Run warm water over the keyboard until it runs clear, then rinse for a bit longer. Drain as much water out and let it dry for several days. You can use a hair dryer set on low if you want, or point a little fan at at it.
My keyboard is just fine now, BTW 🙂