When asked if they would be participating in a matching funds drive for Katrina victims, a Knoxville business manager replied “They were told to leave and they chose not to.” PLEASE don’t let the anger and ugliness they are showing on television distract you from the whole picture. Many people were physically or financially unable to evacuate. Think about all the medical people who stayed behind to help others. All of the people who evacuated have lost their homes and all their belongings. They have no jobs or schools. They will run out of money quickly if they haven’t already. There are reports of hotels raising their rates to keep “undesirables” out of their hotel. Shelters need help keeping the victims fed. There are soldiers out of the country who will come home to find their homes and belongings gone. They have spouses and children who were already struggling and are now in shelters with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Animal rescue groups are desperately trying to help the evacuees animals and are very soon going to be trying to rescue the animals left behind. FEMA has a list of some of the charities working on the relief efforts. Soldiers’ Angels is trying to help the military families. If you can’t donate money, ask how you can volunteer your time. Donating blood will help relief agencies stay focused on Katrina victims.

“A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.” Jack London

One thought on “112558771879509857

  1. And next month all these displaced residents will have cell phone bills sent to their abandoned houses which the US Postal service will refuse to deliver and no one will be there to receive it anyway so to add insult to injury in a short while all these folks will lose their cell phones as they are cut off for lack of payment.

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