This e-mail came from a dog show group:

FWD: URGENT Info from New Orleans

I will write a more detailed post tomorrow, actually today, but my husband finally reached me. He is safe, well protected by our Police force when they are fighting the fires, but I need to get this out ASAP. What he told me is so disturbing and urgent, if there is anyone out there with the power to do something quickly, this has to get out. I do have more inside info but I’m too drained to write more.

My husband said that a shoot to kill order with regards to animals may begin soon. They believe it is the most humane way to handle the multitude of animals that are starving and ill, or injured. I cannot fathom this, and I can’t bear to think that someone’s family pet will end like this. Please, please, please try to get this order rescinded. I don’t know who it came from. But someone will know the right person to contact. Let them begin on the Westbank, it isn’t flooded, and there are secure back highways to come in. The rescues are just waiting for the word to go, and the military is coming in, and they will take care of the criminals that have better weapons than our own police force. I will post more, later after I’ve rested. Permission to crosspost.

I stand behind the validity of this information.

Lynn Szymurski
Richlynn Siberians
New Orleans, LA

2 thoughts on “112579516537747363

  1. Just reading through posts of how my email got posted, and for the most part, my email was taken seriously, as it was written very seriously. Being a long time New Orleanian, I know my city has a lot of problems, namely financial, educational, et al… This message I sent did get a swift kick in someone’s ass, unfortunately they didn’t kick the officers in St. Bernard that did a media interview or which they boasted of shooting the animals, and showed officers leading off a couple of dogs that we heard the shots of, did not show the video. That was enough for me. I have not, to date, seen any video shot in New Orleans, and if my email stopped it, that’s good enough for me. Wish my email address could have been posted more often, so I would get direct responses instead of reading them a month later.
    Thanks for posting it,
    Lynn Szymurski
    Richlynn Siberians
    New Orleans, LA

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