Seamstress art

There’s a politician in town whose work attire I have never seen in stores. Her clothing doesn’t have production line seams, but flawless stitching. It drapes her with a perfection that rarely exists on clothing racks. Basically, her professional wardrobe looks like it is being handmade by someone who cares. I really want to ask […]

Make paranormal the norm

As the authors and series I haven’t read on the paranormal aisle get smaller, I’ve taken to hunting down my favorite authors’ work in other genres. There are ten times more books on the historical romance shelves than the paranormal shelves. Why? They’re as historically accurate as the paranormal are real, so it can’t be […]

No ink

When I was 14, I began defying all the controls of the conservative Christian environment that was trying to force my round peg to fit their square holes. I physically fought to be real in a world of facades. My one concession to the rules and expectations placed upon my gender was that I didn’t […]


While waiting for the release of the next October Daye novel (Luidaeg > Selkies), I’ve been inhaling twenty year old paranormal romance paperbacks. I thought I found the perfect description of my dog Antimony when I read this: I discovered the missing part of that description when I read this: Uncontrollably bouncy joy and chewer […]


Season one and two of Legion were darkly beautiful. Season three of Legion was a blotter filtered orgy of excess. It was television as art. Legion screamed the difference between comic books and graphic novels. In a genre where time is a plate of spaghetti with endless chances to find a better outcome, Legion sang […]


Baby books are filled with milestones that parents date and journal as they happen. If it’s not the first baby, the milestones are memories and stories that you share instead of writing. First steps. First day of kindergarten. Bicycles. Foods. All the little moments that accumulate to adulthood. Nobody tells you that your mental scrapbook […]

Poors need not apply

‘Do you have any sponsorship or intern opportunities for reduced admission in exchange for volunteer hours?’ ‘No, but there’s a raffle to refund one admission fee.’ ‘Sigh.’ Update: The refund raffle has ended. The new special is a two drinks at a Nashville bar. Even bigger sigh.

School mornings

High School Freshman one hour before it’s time to leave: “I don’t want to be late. Let’s leave already.” High School Senior fifteen minutes before first bell: “I have plenty of time. I don’t want to be too early.”

Book Pawn

Yesterday, I went to my favorite used books store. As I frequently do, I sent a teenager to pick up my resell credit while I searched shelves for the missing books in series that I’m reading. Unlike every prior visit, the teen didn’t return with the credit in one hand a book request in the […]

Screaming on the inside

People are terrible. People are wonderful. Life is a struggle. Life is joy. Down. Up. Chaos. Calm. Simultaneous everything. I need to hop in the car and drive until I can find calm again. I can’t go anywhere because the windowless car is full of glass. There are strangers knocking on my door asking me […]