eat more spinach?

diagnosis: anemia treatment: take iron for 2 weeks and return for more extensive testing I think I need to visit Kari for a second opinion. When my mother was about fifteen years older than I am now, she started losing her hair. The doctors blamed it on stress. Then, she complained about fatigue. By the […]

I’m going to the doctor

I finally made an appointment with the doctor. Me: “I need an appointment to have a blood panel done with a thyroid scan.” Woman on phone: “Do you have doctor’s orders?” Me: “No, but if you let me talk to Dr.B’s nurse I will have them.” Woman on phone: “I’m sorry. You’ll need an appointment […]

subtle changes to ignore

I held Evan in my lap so that I could get my annual (yes, once a year) haircut this evening. I should be in a fabulous mood, but the hair stylist commented on my hair texture and suggested I get my thyroid checked. Since I can’t afford to do anything about it, I think I […]