falling like dominos

The plague is slowly working its’ way through our house. Sarah was the first to spike the fever that never ends and sleep like Rip Van Winkle. The only sign remaining that she was sick is her hacking cough and crotchety disposition. Now it’s Evan’s turn. His fever peaks in the wee hours of the […]

one bag of broken army men please

While I was making the weekly drive to bring Tommy home from LMU for the weekend, Doug stayed home to work and watch Evan. One of the many disasters I came home to find was the ruins of an epic battle involving small plastic army men and a wooden train. As I was tossing the […]

further proof the boy is feral

We are still failing all efforts to potty train Evan. Every single person in the family is participating in the encouragement and every single person is participating in the hazmat cleanup. How is it that this little person can’t make it to the bathroom, but CAN make it to the play kitchen sink? Repeatedly. Why […]

obligatory 2009 post

Instead of the “eat healthy, exercise daily, lose weight” lie, I have a “to do” list for 2009. In no particular order, my year is beginning with me: learning a new skill – which is scary, because I’m an old dog who may not be able to learn a new trick, especially with the whole […]

the Santa whisperer

In the escalating love-hate struggle between the 3 and 6 year-old, I have been cautiously optimistic that the 6-y-o would eventually start using her brain and stop using her tears. Yesterday, instead of the usual scream like a banshee and wail in misery because he “wouldn’t stop looking at me,” Amy locked herself in her […]