
Evan: “You hair funny Mommy.” Amy: “Wow Mommy, you should brush your hair more often. It looks way better than usual.” Noah: “I like it when you do your hair Mom.” Doug: “You should straighten your hair more often.” Thank goodness Sarah and Tommy aren’t home to compliment me.

wonder how long this will last

Amy: “I’m done mopping the kitchen floor.” Me: “It looks wonderful. Thank you for being so helpful.” Amy: “I clean it better than you do Mommy.” Me: “You’re right and that’s why you get to clean the kitchen floor EVERY DAY.” Amy: “Hooray!” I think the hooray would last longer if Swiffer made a WetJet […]

falling like dominos

The plague is slowly working its’ way through our house. Sarah was the first to spike the fever that never ends and sleep like Rip Van Winkle. The only sign remaining that she was sick is her hacking cough and crotchety disposition. Now it’s Evan’s turn. His fever peaks in the wee hours of the […]

how to buy a library book

1. Insist that you want applesauce in your school lunch. 2. In the school cafeteria, take one nibble of applesauce. 3. Return open applesauce to backpack. 4. Throw backpack around several times. 5. Let mom open backpack to discover applesauce in every nook and cranny of backpack, school work, folders AND a school library book. […]

Amy says:

“You may not leave the house. Ever. You should ALWAYS be at home.” Sometimes, she sounds like a little tyrant.