second guessing

Since it’s a popular topic of “what if” in the disability community, I will make a very concise comment on a tragedy that recently occurred to a celebrity family in a vague, but clearly identifiable way. It doesn’t matter if the “label” applied to someone was what was publicly or privately discussed. What matters is […]

Dear candidates,

Why is this campaign focused on people named Joe who have six packs abs and plumbing apprenticeships? There are seven people in this house and none of them fit those categories. You can put a lot of other labels on us, but when you do toss one of our labels around like a wooden carrot […]

don’t anger the mother bear

One of the other scout parents has “concerns” about Tommy attending Boy Scout camp for a week without Doug there also. The person who was asked to relay this information only gave us one quote. “Is Tommy annoying on purpose?” I asked the concerned parent if they are annoying on purpose. No. I would not […]