I can’t believe this is my first blog of the day. When I do several tiny blogs throughout the day it’s easy to know what I want to say but now I’m kind of overwhelmed by all that has happenned. For starters, Sarah and I did 3 cookie booths. Not a great day but at least we didn’t get any questions about Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood like we did yesterday. How ridiculous is all that mess?

Doug has worked really hard helping with cookie counting and unloading/loading the car a dozen times. I am going to hate it when he leaves. He is clearly tense about going though. I have appointments every single day this week and will need to drag all four children to all of them. Tommy will act ugly if it’s not about him and Noah will whine and complain that he’s hungry, thirsty and wants to be playing with his friends. Amy will require constant chasing and cleaning up of her messes. Sarah will just scowl at me and become cranky.

I have to go now and bathe the dog that Tommy tied to a tree surrounded by mud when I asked him to take her for a walk. All want to do is go to bed. Oh, for breakfast today I ate 1 1/2 slices of sausage. Lunch was half a bag of McDonalds french fries. In between I had 2 cokes and one hot chocolate. Wonder why I feel so drained when I’m so full of grease?

2 thoughts on “107870082727432334

  1. if there is anything i can do to help you while he is gone, just let me know. even if it’s just a few loads of laundry or something like that. i realize i am limited by pregnancy, but i’d be glad to help.

  2. Just being able to IM you occasionally would be very relaxing. Thanks for being such a good friend.

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