Last night I did some cleaning and printed a pile of stuff for the Project Linus donation drive. I really need one major retail place to allow a drop-off box so I can get an article in the newspaper. I wish I knew if any of the other scouts will even try to participate. They are sort of a “least amount of effort” group. I’m going to make sure we get a few new girls next fall. We moved Sarah and Noah around in the night as an April Fool but the joke didn’t go over too well. Doug’s chocolate milk in the regular milk container poured over cereal this morning was a popular move though.

I had a bad dream and had to come upstairs and see all the children at 6:30 this morning. I cat napped on the couch for a bit and now I’m doing my morning e-mail read, blog read, e-mail reply & blogging. It’s still cold out but it looks like the rain might be gone. Tommy has STAR today.

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