Having cold hands or feet can be written off to bad circulation. How do you explain a cold hiney? In bed I stick my popsicle feet against Doug to hear him scream and he leans that frozen fanny of his against me. It’s not even a big rear. It’s a small bottom that is just freezing cold all the time. Why is that?
Because the blood supply isn’t that great in that area, due to the fatty tissue. Tim often coms to bed with a cold tush too, in the colder months.
He’s a cold ass sob.
thats because i sit out in my unheated office / garage until 2 am and its freezing cold – well cool anyway – and you have been lying in a heated waterbed with yoiur superheated female body for the previous 4 hours. no wonder you notice the difference!
ps i like snuggling up to you at 2am!