Because I’m always looking for something to distract me from the excitement of cleaning, I have joined Angie and followed “Genuine’s” lead and gone on a Monday Walkabout visiting new blogs and picking some to follow. Since this was my first visit to Genuine I’m counting that as number one. Second I went to “A Little Pregnant” which I have been checking in on occasionally. I feel nervous for her so I usually hold my breath when I click her link. Third visit was to “Ramblings of a SAHM” at which point I recongnized a pattern in my choices. Ignoring my lack of creativity for this week’s walkabout I went to “Crazy Bitch” for number four. For number five I chose “Woulda Coulda Shoulda”. I think that all five blogs are worthwhile reads. That should keep me plenty busy until next Monday. Thanks Genuine.

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