I guess I’m the last person on the Internet (or is it internet?) to see this but it’s still funny. Be sure to scroll down and look at some of the other 30 second movies.
I guess I’m the last person on the Internet (or is it internet?) to see this but it’s still funny. Be sure to scroll down and look at some of the other 30 second movies.
Bunnies are hilarious!
Chill out dude.
Here it is in their article! “Web will continue to be capitalized when part of the more official entity, World Wide Web.” The Internet is not the World Wide Web just like a rectangle is not necessarily a square. The World Wide Web is part of the Internet. A square can be a rectangle. The Internet is so much more than the World Wide Web.
Back to their language: “Web will continue to be capitalized when part of the more official entity, World Wide Web.”
So they should say: “Internet will continue to be capitalized when part of the more official entity, the mass of computers connecting everyone in the world.” Or should that be World?
Here: “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet” used to be required reading and maybe should become so again.
I saw that Wired article and it really got my ire. Wired needs to fire someone. The same twit that made the decision to not capitalize ‘internet’ probably pronounces ‘gif’ ‘ga if’..it’s pronounced ‘Jiff’ like the peanut butter! If you don’t know how to pronounce it you weren’t part of the revolution and you’re too young so go away!
An ‘internet’ is a collection of computers. I have an internet in my house. The Internet (n.) is a specific collection of computers connected through TCP/IP originating from ARPANET. Btw, Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster capitalize it.
We should quit capitalizing Earth. “Why? The simple answer is because there is no earthly reas