22 thoughts on “110478501731137679

  1. Dang it Cathy, you need to give your husband’s site a mention here and there! I would have known you were pregnant months ago!! Doug, congratulations to you too, and I now have you blogrolled. Until I came back to reread the comments on this post to see if I was the only one chagrinned at not knowing, and then followed your links, I never knew you even had a blog.

    How ’bout a mention for your beloved now and again? Or at least list his site in the “Links” section . . .

    A boy, can we name him (we meaning your readers)? How about a poll? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee

  2. Hmmm… what’s between the bun? I wonder.

    Congratulations, and sorry it took so long for me to figure it out. 🙂

    I envy you, but am more excited for the new addition!~

  3. OK, I feel better. I missed the pregnant thing too, but I was too embarassed to say anything until I read these. Congrats! I’m going with “boy”

  4. That’s kinda tacky honey. Just say that the picture was extremely clear. The technician froze the shot and said “You want to tell him?” But I know he was saying it to himself when I was saying it out loud. “THAT’S a boy!”

  5. We told them last night. Tommy didn’t respond, react or even seem to acknowledge which means he probably either didn’t care or felt the need to process the information later. Noah was thrilled! Sarah was devastated and spent the next 3 hours crying and refusing to talk to us about it.

  6. Will you tell us? Congratulations, I’m so dense, I just figured out last week you are pregnant. I know doug is so happy, he’s been trying to talk you into another critter for a while. I guess it’s a boy w/ a hot dog.

  7. You’re pregnant!?! Wow, how’d I miss that…then again, I’m so unaware these days. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (enough exclamation points?)!!!!!!!!!

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