This is my boring meta-post about blogging which I give as a peace offering despite my desire to lash back at my attackers. After it has been said I want to go back to cartoons, song lyrics, personal stories and family pictures.

Before I stopped working when my youngest child was born, I had a job in the social work field. One of the things I did most often was public speaking about my life. I talked about the good and the bad of having a special-needs child. I discussed openly the effects it had on my first marriage and how it has changed me as a person. I answered very personal questions with honesty and bluntness. It was this approach that I took to blogging. Our life is neither a funny sitcom nor a tragic soap opera. We are real people doing the best we can while living life to the fullest. I love my family and I would not change any person in it one little bit. I do not expect all my comments to be sugary pat-on-the-backs. I know that my fellow bloggers will step up and give me a verbal kick in the pants whenever I am wallowing in self-pity instead of appreciating how good things really are in my world. I appreciate a good discussion. I have had some bad and some very strange things happen in my life, but I am not a bad person. I have never deliberately tried to hurt anyone. In the past I have refrained from censorship, including sp*m. I allowed the ads and nonsense comments intended only to redirect people to commercials and adult material to stay in my comments. From this point forward I will remove comments that are threats as well as personal harassment comments. I will not be deleting them, just removing them from public view.

"To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed. That can make life a garden." Goethe

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