I would be very appreciative if the makers of Legos, K-nex, Bionicles and those teeny tiny Playmobile miniatures would magnetize their toys. It would make clean-up much easier. While you’re making things more useful, a sippy cup with a lid that toddlers can’t remove would be really helpful. As I’ve said before, I still want some sort of revolving front door that allows children to race in and out of the house all day long without the sound of constantly slamming doors.
Amen, Sister! Have you seen the Dirt Devil commercial with the little Lego man? (He goes on a whirlwind adventure!) I think it was Dirt Devil anyway.
I kept thinking – ya know…I didn’t hear that telltale CRUNCH. And usually I end up stepping on them first. ::sigh::
Let me make sure I understand correctly. You are giving me permission to start a new project to install a revolving door on the house. Right?
Sure, you get some wheels and skip the stories this weekend…
That would be a great invention. My oldest much have about 2000 little lego pieces that he just dumps out and plays but picking up is such a *itch.