Because I am a bad mother, I plan my children’s summers. In the past I have put together workbooks, complicated reward charts and elaborate token economies based on educational activities. I do this in addition to the various summer camps and activities that I sign them up to attend. This summer I need something simple. I am going to have only one goal for the summer that I want them to work on each week. Sarah’s is easy. I want her to read more. She is incredibly bright but would rather craft, talk on the phone or shop than sit and read so, I want her to read a little each day. At the end of the summer I want to see a list of what she read. Noah’s is easy too. I want him to practice his handwriting each week. He wasted most of Kindergarten with a teacher who wouldn’t let him use his left hand and he has never really caught up with his fine motor skills. I don’t care if he writes on the road with sidewalk chalk or on the walls of the bathtub with shaving cream, I just want him to practice his writing. Amy will continue learning her letters and having books read to her. But what to do for Tommy? There are so many choices and I must first choose if I want him to focus on a strength or a weakness. Hmmmm.

6 thoughts on “111624952658621832

  1. They helped pick their camps and activities. Some things have to happen even though they don’t want them. Sarah isn’t sure she wants one trip that we scheduled. Tommy has a Plato class he doesn’t want. They are children, not employees.

  2. We should also include the children in the planning. If we spend some time with them letting them participate in designing their summer goals their summer will be more fulfilling, we might realize that there was planning we were missing, and we will be teaching them a valuable skill in goal setting, planning and accomplishment.

  3. You could always play the at home vasectomy game with them. (Yes, Doug – we are that evil).

    That’ll teach them some science, home nursing care, etc.

    Tommy can practice his surgical precision skills, Sarah can learn traige, Noah can learn how to freeze just the right amount of alcohol and water for those soft ice packs (unless you plan to use bags of peas)and Amy can practice cutting bandages.

    You could even take it a step into history and learn about mummy making when Amy’s done with cutting all those bandages.

    Heh. Heh.

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