Amy’s “My little pony” has the cleanest mane and tail possible. It’s an entire shampoo bottle worth of clean. Based on how this week has gone, I think Doug can judge the quality of my day based on the number of baths Amy required.

1 bath – Tuck the children in and enjoy some quality time as a couple.
2 baths – Cathy will be eating Ben & Jerry’s in bed while venting nonsense ramblings until the chocolate kicks in.
3 baths – Doug will be tucking the children in alone while Cathy will be eating Ben & Jerry’s in bed and crying nonsense ramblings until the chocolate and tylenol pm kick in.
More than 3 baths – Doug should learn to lactate and hide upstairs with all the children while Cathy wails, eats Ben & Jerry’s in bed and watches sappy television(no submarines or helicopter battle scenes Doug) until she passes out.

One thought on “112749523847279666

  1. That’s great. The only thing left is how big the mess was aside from the child. 1 bath, mom can clean that up. 2 baths, mom still can handle it. 3 baths dad. 4 baths, blow the house up.

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