we don’t need no stinkin’ books

Although there are still 2 weeks left in school, Sarah’s books have all been turned in and Noah’s will be turned in today. They don’t need books for the donut parties, pizza parties, field days, picnics and other activities planned for these last two weeks. Couldn’t they pack all that fun into just one week of party and let school out a week earlier?

3 thoughts on “we don’t need no stinkin’ books

  1. Amen to that! (Although we don’t get out until the end of June. Bleugh.)

    We didn’t use but one snow day this year. They’ve got 14 on reserve. So why can’t they get out 13 days earlier? (I suspect parents would revolt though and want school to start 13 days earlier next year to save their sanity! LOL)!

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