How to make sweet tea

1. Boil water in tea kettle.(we have a proper Kjokkenutstyr tea kettle)
2. Husband wanders past and complains that the sugar should be in the pitcher BEFORE the hot water.
3. Wife grumbles about husband and adds sugar to pitcher.
4. Add tea bags to pitcher and let steep.
5. Husband complains that sugar isn’t mixing because it was added after the water while he stirs the pitcher.
6. Husband sips tea and complains about the flavor.
7. Wife insists she added the correct amount of sugar.
8. Husband wonders why wife added sugar after he added sugar.
9. Put tea-flavored sucrose in hummingbird feeder.

5 thoughts on “How to make sweet tea

  1. Sugar must go in before hot water is added to dissolve the sugar. More than 1/2 cups of sugar is yummy but excess. Lemon should be added to individual glasses because it will sour in the pitcher. Tea makers can substitute as an ice tea maker if you don’t drink coffee.

  2. Everyone says I make the best sweet tea they have ever had so I will share.

    1. save a gallon (or two) jug.

    2. Fill a medium sized saucepan with water.

    3. Boil water

    4. Throw in two (or three for two gallons) family sized tea bags.

    5. Immediately turn the water off and make sure they are dunked thoroughly.

    6. Let the tea cool for a bit.

    7. Add sugar to jugs through a funnel. (1 3/4 cups per gallon)

    8. Divide the tea equally between the two jugs (or add the tea to one jug)

    9. Shake it up before adding cold water. (to assure that the sugar is dissolved)

    10. Fill up jugs halfway and shake again.

    11. Then fill up completely.

    Perfect for gatherings and healthier than soda.


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