if I could only remember

I want to write a review of tonight’s circus at the Bijou, but I can’t until I find a picture of a tattooed, fire-eating bridesmaid. I know that doesn’t make sense unless you’ve seen the picture. It will make sense when I find it. I promise.

Update: I’m tired and frustrated at my inability to find the picture, so here’s a challenge for you. Somewhere out there is a blog written by the mother of a child on the Autism spectrum. Recently, that blogger posted pictures of where she was 10, 5 and one year ago. That post included a few wedding pictures. Those wedding pictures included the blogger’s sister. The blogger described how finding a dress that toned down the sister’s “hotness” was a challenge for the blogger and her sister. She then included a few of her sister’s work portfolio pictures. Go forth search engine detectives and find the solution to this mystery that has me searching the archives of all ten zillion blogs in my feed reader.

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