Halloween Movie Marathon

Newscoma and Cuppa Joe are celebrating Halloween with scary movies this weekend. I’m not a big fan of horror films. Life is scary enough. I’ve had to deal with real gore and know that I react on auto-pilot until the crisis passes and then collapse into a puddle of weeping goo. Why would I deliberately make myself feel uncomfortable? If I get sucked into watching something creepy, Doug knows he’s going to spend the night being awakened every few minutes and sent to look for the source of every noise I imagine hearing. Still, I do have a few guilty pleasures that fall under the Halloween category. Some scary, some campy and some that are just plain embarrassing. My Halloween movie fest includes:
Ghost Story
The Lady in White
Shaun of the Dead
The Frighteners
Fright Night
Lost Boys
An American Werewolf in London
Night of the Comet

7 thoughts on “Halloween Movie Marathon

  1. Ooh, we just watched House II last night. (House was the scary version, yes; but we wanted to watch something with the kidlins.)

    Methinks it’s time for a good Wrong Turn and Hills Have Eyes fest.

  2. Saw 1408 on the way from Beijing to Singapore… not a movie for those about to stay in a hotel. Excellent flick for everyone else.

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