The fraternity of Twitter

fra·ter·ni·ty (fr-tûrn-t)
n. pl. fra·ter·ni·ties
1. A body of people associated for a common purpose or interest, such as a guild.
2. A group of people joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or tastes.
3. A chiefly social organization of men students at a college or university, usually designated by Greek letters.
4. The quality or condition of being brothers; brotherliness.

We are at the end of an emotionally tumultuous week. Every time I got in over my head, Twitter came to my rescue. Monday was my birthday. The day would have been indistinguishable from any other day if not for the kind words from the people on Twitter. Thank you. Mid-week, a Twitter offered some new-to-you clothes to Doug. It was an unexpected but much appreciated gift. Thank you. With Tommy’s graduation just a day away, Doug asked for help in renting a camera to use at graduation. A Twitter offered us the loan of a very fancy camera for the evening. It was so nice to have a camera in my hands again that I think I took a million pictures. Thank you. Yesterday, we found out just a few hours before graduation that we had six computers with no operating system. A desperate Twitter for help brought a knight to our rescue. He spent hours getting the computers ready for the graduates to use at the after graduation party. If not for him, it would have taken hours of the party time to make the machines usable. Thank you. After midnight last night, we found ourselves in need of keys to use one of the games. A Twitter resulted in several keys. Thank you. I have used many different examples to try and describe Twitter to non-users. Today, I have a new way to describe Twitter. Twitter is a community of real people who work together for a common good. Twitter is a fraternity. A fraternity for which I am very thankful. When I say I love Twitter, I am really saying that I love the people who are Twitter. Thank you Twitter.

5 thoughts on “The fraternity of Twitter

  1. Was thinking along these lines over the weekend. Twitter folks have become something along the lines of old-fashioned neighbors. The sense of community here runs deep, and the people have not let me down once.

  2. I look at Twitter as the new-fangled version of my Mom’s party line in the 60s. It’s how we quickly get involved in each other’s lives. It’s a neighborhood all on it’s own, stretching from coast to coast.

    Now, we need to figure out when I can get these items to you. I have a bag full of fashion fun for Doug. And again, let me know the dress shirt sizes becz. I’ve got a ton of those upstairs that I need to go through too.

  3. I have to be honest and admit I don’t know twitter from glitter. I guess I’ll have to get around to checking it out.

    So cool about graduation! Glad you got to do it at Thompson Boling. Brett’s at the conference center last year was near impossible to get pictures if you were behind the first section.

  4. Indy and Zane – Twitter is the perfect way for the virtual world to connect the non-virtual.

    Missy – Say when and where.

    Chris – You need to give Twitter a try. It is a community unlike any of the other social networking sites.

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