Dear relatives who have finished all of your Christmas shopping except for my children,
I will send you the requested list of ideas. Making that list requires that I first plan our shopping list. Before I can sit down and plan all that shopping, I have to plan our Christmas Card picture. Deciding that picture has to happen before Thanksgiving, when the picture will be taken. That means that I will compose my master list and your micro lists in less than two weeks. You will still be able to have ALL your shopping completed by Thanksgiving. Remain calm. I will BEGIN my shopping, after the card picture is completed.
In the meantime, a review of past card picture triumphs and failures:
You do know there’s a website to upload “Awkward Family Photos?” And it will give you great ideas for this year also!
Since I don’t find our pictures awkward, I think I’ll pass on that.
Sorry, didn’t mean to offend. It was meant as a joke.
I’m not offended. The totem pole tree pic is our standard for awfulness and we must never do that poorly again.