If spider, then act stupid

Every spring, nasty bugs and spiders invade the house. Primarily, they invade the basement. The washer, dryer and mountain of dirty laundry live in the basement and if any laundry is left on the floor, the creepy crawlies hide inside the towels and clothing. I know this. It happens every single spring and every single […]

If – Then

If, one of the children has a project due the next day, Then, I will be awake at midnight the night before, adding one last thing and correcting some unforseen problem. If Noah doesn’t score well on this project, Then I may sit and cry.

If – Then

If, your children’s car toy is medical waste, Then, you’ve spent too much time at hospitals lately.

If – Then

If the top rack is full and the bottom rack is empty, then, we drink too much. OR ELSE then, our dishwasher has a top rack and an “extra top rack”. updated for all the programming geeks I love

If – Then

If you can identify the barely digested contents of the diaper, Then the baby isn’t ready to eat that particular food.