middle-aged Saturday

Him: “What do you want to do today?” Her: “We could work in the garage or we could start thinning out the junk in our closet. After that, Evan needs new shoes.” Him: “I was thinking it’s a good day to plant grass in the yard. We have some spots that are full sun and […]

my third boob

Remember when I demonstrated my special sense of coordination at the end of December? I pretty much avoided touching my bruised knees for a week or so and then I completely forgot about them after I burned my face with a flattening iron. A few weeks ago, my left knee felt hot and when I […]

making a good impression

I recently ran into someone I hadn’t seen in some time and he introduced his new wife just before saying, “The last time I saw you, you were breastfeeding your youngest daughter.” His wife then added, “Oh, did you have one of those cute nursing covers?” The CORRECT response would have been, “I was a […]

I don’t get out much

“I’d like you to meet H. He’s a handsome recording artist from a multi-generational family of talented musicians who has the people on your iPod on his speed dial. This is Cathy. She has five children.” “Have you met G? He’s the head of a University department who has been in popular magazines for his […]

old AND fat

Noah: “It’s older than YOU? Wow! That’s really old.” Doug: “You know that drink you like so much? They make a low calorie version that you really need to try.” I will be sleeping in a tent in the backyard from now on. I hope the wireless is accessible from there.

Doug says:

Me: “You remember wonderinging where they filmed when we were watching The Holy Grail?” Doug: “The Holy Grail? I remember wondering where something was filmed, but I don’t remember what it was.” Me: “It was Holy Grail. You asked where they filmed it.” Doug: “Noooo. I think it was Planet of the Apes.” Me: “Are […]

sock paranoia

One of the many pleasures of crisp fall weather is the return of socks. I love fuzzy, funny socks. Socks are like a secret joke that make your toes giggle. Happy toes make me feel relaxed and mellow. Socks are a good thing. After months of neglect, today the socks came out to entertain my […]

need more caffeine

I arrived at the school for my parent/teacher meeting. As I walked in the building, I saw the teacher taking down a decorative display in the lobby. I waited until all the teachers were finished discussing a new display before assisting with the clean-up. We carried everything back to the classroom and I waited for […]

talking to myself

Me: “The cat has a chipmunk in her mouth.” Doug: “What?” Me: “The cat has a chipmunk in her mouth.” Doug: “Where?” Me: “In the front yard.” Doug: “Why is Tommy chasing the cat?” Me: “He’s trying to get her to drop the chipmunk.” Doug walks outside and I go in the bathroom to scrape […]

step off the paved path

“My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.” Aldous Huxley I am not amused by this particular silly season. I stomp around the house grumbling about news, politics and people. I am acutely aware of the weeks that have passed without time alone with my best friend. I allow others […]