I do nothing all day

Today I dropped Sarah off for summer school art on the west side of town at 8 a.m., took Amy to zoo camp on the east side of town and stayed at the zoo with the boys because gas is so expensive. When Amy’s camp was finished for the day, we left to pick up Sarah. I started the camera downloading pictures and went to get Amy and Evan settled in for a nap. After that, Noah had to go to the pediatrician for his check-up and shots. I got home with just enough time to change Evan’s clothes before taking three of the children to VBS for the evening. Now I have an hour before I have to go pick children up, bring them home, bathe them and get them settled in bed. Oh, and Tommy has had a friend visiting all day. Add in dentist appointments, karate belt testing and the boys leaving town on Friday and every day this week looks pretty much like today with the daily laundry, bathing, dressing and watching children that occurs regardless of what else is happening. I tried to tell someone how busy I am this week and their reply was silence followed by a comment about how busy they are working at a job. grumble, grumble, grumble
his favorite part of the zoo

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