For as long as I can remember I have been a fan of coke (that’s coca cola, guys). I even rank coke in the glass bottle above the plastic bottle followed by the aluminum can. The hardest adjustment to pregnancy for me has always been the first trimester total caffeine withdrawal. During pregnancy I just replaced coke with de-caffeinated sodas and sweet fruit juices. When I failed my gestational diabetes test last week, Doug and I went on a quest to find a new drink. Giving up sugar has been complicated by my aversion to laboratory created artificial sweeteners. Just to make things more complicated, I was warned that carbohydrates can affect my blood sugar level, so I found myself searching for no-sugar, low-carb beverages. In the end we found the best substitute is hot tea. Tea is no-sugar, no-carb and comes in decaffeinated varieties. When I read in Catawampus’ blog that Adagio Teas was giving away tea to anyone who provides a link to the Adagio Teas website in their blog, I thought that sounded like great way to try some new varieties of tea. They even have a free timer on their site that you can download to your computer so that you steep your tea the exact right length of time. This afternoon I’m going to read their guide to tea preparation and learn to make better tea.

Update: Yesterday, Adagio Teas sent me an email that they are mailing me a sample. I feel like a little kid watching for their magic decoder ring to arrive.

2 thoughts on “111005287228661777

  1. Very cool! I signed up and already got an email from them saying my herbal teas are on the way! My page rank is currently “5” so I should get the super package! Woo hoo!

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