BlogHer ’07

Reasons why I should go to BlogHer this July 27-28:
1. I can drive the 450 miles north to Chicago. I suppose I could drive to Memphis and take Amtrak, but then I’d feel guilty that the children weren’t getting a train ride.
2. I was born in Chicago. The last time I was in Chicago I was 18 and there with the classmates from my first college. That trip can be summed up in one sentence. I didn’t get carded anywhere.
3. The reaction of locals when I order a sweet tea.
4. The only nights I’ve spent away from home in the past 4 years were at the hospital giving birth. The last time I had a night without any of the children, Amy was conceived. The last night I had to myself, I was traveling for business and pregnant with Amy, so no alcohol. I was barely able to keep food down.
5. None of the children have birthdays in July. Two in May, two in June and one in August though.
6. Something interesting to photograph for flickr.
7. Blogging is the only thing I do for myself. The rest of my life is about everyone else’s needs.

Reasons why I won’t go to BlogHer this July 27-28:
1. cost
2. social anxiety
3. Doug home alone with 5 children.

3 thoughts on “BlogHer ’07

  1. Sounds like you need a BlogHer break!

    Ways you can reduce the cost:
    -Propose a session: if you’re a speaker and need travel assistance we do our best to do that for anyone who needs it.

    -Volunteer to be a live-blogger or other substantial volunteer: we comp conference registrations for at least a couple of dozen volunteers.

    -Check the site today for Kristy’s post on our three hotel room blocks. One of them is at a nearby hostel that has a very limited number of rooms available at $30 or $40/night. Snatch one up.

    Ways to reduce social anxiety;

    -Well, I’m not going to say anything patronizing about “just get out there and be yourself”, but I will say that many many attendees experience this, and last year some of them participated in a BlogME meme that had bloggers and attendees interviewing one another and posting it pre-conference, so more people felt like they knew one another before they ever showed up.

    -I also think that even if you came and simply soaked up the bloggy goodness in all of the sessions and activities you would walk away with a ton of practical knowledge and inspiring ideas! But I may be biased.

    What about the kids?

    -I will mention that BlogHer does offer day-time childcare, and we plan to have sponsors help subsidize it. So it should be pretty affordable. (Although that does kind of defeat the purpose of a getaway sans kids.

    Anyway, just dropping by to offer encouragement 🙂

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