Dear School Board,

I haven’t heard anything nice from the people who attended last night’s board meeting. *I have removed a question that several others are still asking after a reasonable explanation was offered.* The fact that you all agree that there are poorly zoned communities in each district but refuse to do anything on the “what’s in it for my district” excuse is unacceptable. Rumors had you arguing so badly at your recent retreat that several members left early. You should have been required to stay together in that room until you worked out a compromise instead of stomping off like selfish children. Most of you have enough intelligence, ideas and insight to nurture our school system into something great. Why won’t you learn to work together?

I am disappointed that the Special Ed job is being given to someone internal, but I am willing to hold judgment on her until she has been allowed to prove herself. I am angry that you are rewarding the current director with a golden parachute in exchange for his ruthless ability to deny services to the children who needed them the most. Your actions speak louder than your words.


“A good education is the next best thing to a pushy mother.” Charles Schulz

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