I’m not getting out of bed December 26th

I’m tired. Someone has decided that he likes to party all night. Naked party. It doesn’t matter which bed he is in or who offers to keep him company. There is nothing he wants to do but have a good time. Not only does it keep me from getting any sleep, it takes away the precious time in the late evenings when I used to actually get things done. With Christmas just a few days away and the clean Nazis coming to visit, I need the people in this house to sleep. I need sleep. I’m tired. Tired plus stressed does not make a happy mommy. And when Mommy’s not happy . . .

2 thoughts on “I’m not getting out of bed December 26th

  1. Yeah….just be happy he’s not doing the teen naked thing. That’ll keep him busy for awhile. (And sweetie, we do that in private! LOL!)

    Oh man…sounds like your house looks like mine does! (And momma ain’t happy here neither!)

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