Why do I think antique stores are quaint and pawn shops are criminal? Aren’t they both selling used stuff?
Is anyone else bothered that the local flesh market has a sign out front advertising “swing ‘n shag” night?
Why do people care about athletes using steroids, but ignore band students abusing inhalers to artificially enhance their musical abilities?
Isn’t a cheap camera better than no camera?
Can you call yourself a southerner if you don’t eat onions? They put them in everything.
I doubt many antique stores double as sources for stolen merchandies…
As long as they take the shagging home…
Band students abusing inhalers???? That’s a new one on me, and I’m a band geek from way back…
Absolutely. I’ve even taken several great pics with my cell phone, and it takes terrible photos. All depends on the subject matter.
I don’t care for onions, and I’m a southern geek from way back…
Fill me in on the band students! That’s a new one on me, too! (Band geek here, raising her hand.)
I second the notion for antique stores typically not selling “hot” items. Otherwise – same animal!