dress code

On the afternoon drop-off, pick-up children route, we drove by a Starbucks. The patio was packed with people enjoying the short sleeve weather. For a fleeting moment, I thought how nice it would be to sit on the Starbucks’ patio with the other adults. I immediately decided I was more comfortable in my filthy van with a 2-year-old belting out broken notes on an older sibling’s recorder while his 5-year-old sister spoke without pauses. “andit’sjammiedayandIneedmyfavoritepinkjammiessowebettergotothelaundrytonightandIcanbringmyblanketand…” I have no doubt that the Starbucks’ patio was quiet and calm. I am certain that the conversations there were much more stimulating. However, every single person on the patio was dressed in black and khaki. There were no jeans, t-shirts, Birks or even sneakers. Just multiple combinations of black and khaki with expensive leather sandals. I wonder if there was a bouncer at the entrance to the patio to keep the shabbily dressed off the patio. “I’m sorry ma’am, but we need you to use the services of the drive-thru.”

3 thoughts on “dress code

  1. Geez Cathy, on your worst day you look better and more “with it” than the vast majority of the general public, and that would include me!

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