I owe a big thanks to my brother for playing tour guide while we were in DC last week. If not for Danny, I wouldn’t know such valuable things as:
“This is where Monica Lewinsky was deposed.”
“This statue made so many people angry that the compromise was to place it outside the memorial.”
“That’s where Chelsea went to school.”
“This is where the media set-up camp to monitor Gary Condit.”
Always take a local along as a tour guide.
Aw, shucks. Thanks.
And I forgot to show you where I once threw up on the sidewalk. Next time.
Why did it make people angry? Did they want a statue depicting the lie that he was not handicapped? I’d say that such a statue would inspire the disabled and remind the not disabled that you cannot discount a person because of a disability.
It wasn’t about hiding a secret that everyone knows. It was a question of showing respect by honoring the man’s known wishes.
During his presidency, the wheelchair was usually hidden. It may have been behind a desk for instance but it was downplayed and to feature it so prominently in the memorial caused an uproar because that is not how he would have had it in real life.
What you didn’t go the park where they found Chandra Levy? Seems only logical after the Gary Condit site visit.
We talked about it, but it was a bit out of the way.
I love your brother!!! Thanks for making our 4 hour tour the best I’ve ever had!