wearing my holiday spirit

Today we actually made a Christmas purchase. It was small, but it made me feel a bit less stressed to finally begin the shopping. I was determined to feel Christmas-y this morning and put on my Christmas sweater shirt. I know my children think I only own the two shirts that I wear all the time, but I do own one Christmas themed shirt. I bought it when Noah was a newborn, because it has a red and green ark and animal pairs. Our errands today took us to the mall which I almost never visit. It would be a lot of fun to walk around looking at all the things there if it wasn’t for the ten zillion people crammed in each store. I noticed that most of the female shoppers were wearing Christmas sweaters. From simple color blocked sweaters to sweaters with bells sewn on them, the variety was impressive. I know women who own enough Christmas sweaters to wear them from Thanksgiving until New Year’s without ever looking like they forgot to change clothes. I peeked at a few sweaters in one of the mall’s department stores. Wow. Those women have enough invested in sweaters to feed our family for for a month. I think I’ll just stick to my Christmas ark shirt.

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