I received very kind comments and a couple of extremely insightful e-mails in response to my fretting about Noah. Thank you. I used your thoughts to work out a short term plan as well as a big goal for high school.
Your e-mails were overly polite about the fact that after six years of blogging, I didn’t have my contact information where it could easily be found. Sorry. In the left hand column of the page is a box with all the different pages. I have added a contact me page to the site. At the top of the page, next to the Twitter and feed icons, I added an e-mail button. If you don’t like either of those options, type my first name, then the at symbol followed by the name of this blog and end it with a dot com. Am I forgiven?
we’ll have to “do lunch” one of these days if third grade has me unglued I can’t imagine it getting better