Ministry of Silly need not apply

I get a newsletter from Blue Moon drive-ins every week. This morning, the e-mail looks something like this:
The Midtown Drive-In
This Drive-In is for Sale
Serious Persons Inquire’s Only

It’s a good thing I didn’t call to ask any questions about the sale. I am entirely lacking in seriousness. It does seem that having a healthy respect for silliness would be a good skill in a drive-in owner. Perhaps we have found the reason for the property sale. They lost their sense of humor after one too many customers filled a parking space with an inflatable couch for a half a dozen children wearing jammies.

4 thoughts on “Ministry of Silly need not apply

  1. Coincidence that you mentioned the Midtown twice this week. We were planning our first visit this weekend. I assume they are still playing this weekend, they have they their schedule on the website. Any tips for the uninitiated (with small kids)?

  2. This weekend is UP. Arrive early. Sit in the front row so children can play in the grass. Bring jackets. Have fun.

  3. No external speakers. They do rent radios for $1 but I’d recommend bringing your own with extra batteries. Bring a blanket to lay on or some folding chairs.

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