every. single. time.

If we have guests, the children put out the most bleach stained, ragged bath towels that we own. If I ask the children to bring me a ratty, old towel for the bottom of the kittens’ box, they bring me one of the few unstained, intact hem, perfect softness bath towels. This must mean that […]

Sawyer says:

He: “I want orange!” Me: “Why must everything be orange?” He: “It’s my favorite color.” Me: “Why?” He: “Because Grandaddy likes it.”

Minecraft <3

I have lost count of the number of times I’ve read moms on social media declare that they are banning their child from playing MineCraft because their child “likes it too much.” Is your child still eating and sleeping? If the answer is yes, then they don’t like it TOO MUCH. MineCraft isn’t the first […]

deliberate bruises

Once upon a time, first aid kits included snake venom extractors. StacheMan was in high school when he learned what they do. Professor Teen learned about venom extractors in middle school. Snake venom extractors are now passé. Professionals discourage the usage of the suction devices. Sawyer will probably never know that such devices exist. That’s […]

brain drain

Sometimes, Sawyer asks to snuggle. Most of the time, this means he wants to sit in my lap. I then carefully nudge him to talk, only to discover that he isn’t upset about anything. He just needed to be held for a while. I would put down a fire extinguisher and let the stove burn […]

object memory is strong

Sawyer: “No! I don’t want that blanket! I need a different blanket.” Me: “You have been refusing this blanket for months. Is it scratchy? Does it smell bad? I need you to tell me what is wrong with it so that I can fix it.” Sawyer: “The last time I used that blanket, I saw […]